Leading Worship Well | Worship Leading Tips

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Worship Leading Logistics Checklist

The more prepared you are logistically when leading worship, the more free you will be to focus on the spiritual side.

Here are a few logistical aspects of leading worship you should have ready before you lead:

1 | Lyrics

Know what words you need to sing. You should be able to get to a point where they just flow right out of you without you even needing to consciously think about them.

2 | Chords

The same goes for chords. Get to a place where you don't just have them memorized - they're second nature.

3 | Speaking Transitions

Know what you're going to say. This isn't a script that you memorize. Just know the main idea of what you're going to say and when you are going to say it.

4 | Musical Transitions

Figure out how you are going to transition between songs. Don't be stuck in the middle of your set with a bunch of dead air.

5 | Order of worship

Know the order of when things are going to happen. What's your set list order? Is anyone else going to be speaking? Are there any special elements you need to be aware of? When should you come back up after your pastor is done preaching? Answer these questions so you aren't wondering about them while you're trying to lead worship!

Let me help you…

Have you ever had one of those moments where you get to the end of leading worship and you think to yourself, "Man, I was so distracted by all my responsibilities I don't feel like I had a chance for myself to worship." Being prepared is just one of the ways you can make sure you worship while you lead worship. The more prepared you are logistically the more free you'll be to focus spiritually. If you want to learn some other ways you can worship while you lead worship, a new video premieres on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel tomorrow at 3:30pm EST called "How To Worship While You Lead Worship." Me and the rest of the Leading Worship Well community will be hanging out in the live chat - come join us!

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