Worship Set List Planning - "I - We - God Balance"
A couple weeks ago over on the LWW YouTube channel, we took a look at "How To Make A KILLER Worship Set List." If you want to learn the 4-step process to crafting a great worship set, go check that video out.
There are, however, a few more things that are helpful to keep in mind when planning your worship sets.
One of those things is the "I - We - God balance."
Simply put, the "I - We - God balance" means picking songs that have a healthy dose of each of those pronouns/proper nouns.
It's not necessarily bad to sing about "I", "we", or "God" but there must be a balance between the three.
Here are some things to keep in mind when finding the "I - We - God balance":
1 | I
"I" songs are songs that focus primarily on the person singing. They're about what God has done for ME and what God will do for ME.
These songs have their place in worship gatherings because, as a church, we want to be encouraged to continue trusting God. One of the ways to do that is to remember what God has done for us in the past and believe that he will continue to be faithful in the future.
The problem with ONLY singing "I" songs is that it communicates selfish worship in two ways:
First, it only focuses on what God is going to do for ME which leads to a consumer mentality.
Second, it doesn't teach the Church that they have a responsibility to each other in corporate worship.
2 | We
"We" songs are songs that focus on a corporate response to God. They're about what God is doing in the life of your collective church.
These songs are important in corporate worship because they remind the Church that we are worshiping together. We didn't gather in the same room just to all have our own personal times of worship. We gathered together to worship God WITH each other.
3 | God
"God" songs are songs that focus on magnifying the characteristics of God. They're songs that point out his goodness, faithfulness, and holiness which leads the Church to respond in awe.
These songs are important because they truly lie at the heart of worship. Worship is proclaiming the worth of God. And the best way to do that is to reflect on his specific characteristics.
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