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Worship Team Devotionals - Ask a Question

Worship team devotionals are an important part of any rehearsal. They allow you to feed your team spiritually and communicate your team's role in the church. The problem is it's easy to be ineffective during your devotional time.

Here's my thought process behind worship team devotionals:

1 | Don't spend 15 minutes teaching

A lot of team leaders put pressure on themselves to come up with 15 minutes of material every week. This is not only unnecessary; it's ineffective. I'll put this bluntly: your team doesn't want to hear you teach for 15 minutes. Likewise, your team does not want to hear you read 15 minutes of a devotional book every rehearsal. So what's the alternative? 

2 | Spend 15 minutes in conversation

Instead of teaching, spend time in conversation with your team. Treat your devotional time like a small group. The best way to do that is ask for their thoughts on a worship team related question. You can spend the first minute or two setting the question up but in total you should only be speaking for %20 of the time while your team fills the other %80.

This method does two things: you don't have to prepare as much and it's more engaging. Instead of you filling 15 minutes, you allow your team to fill that time with conversation. Not only do you have to prepare less but it is actually more engaging because it's a conversation and not a lecture.

3 | This allows your team to build how they communicate about God

This is effective because, as your team joins the conversation, they are practicing how they communicate about God. They're no longer just sitting and listening to a teacher - they are participating in the discussion. They're building vocabulary that they can use to lead your church in worship both on and off the stage.

What do your devotions look like during worship team rehearsal? Let us know in the comments!