Worship leaders, stop misquoting THIS verse! (Video)
There is ONE Bible verse that I see misquoted over and over again... and you might be regularly using it.
In fact, I can almost guarantee you or your pastor have quoted it during your worship services at least once during your time as a worship leader…
I’ve changed my mind about worship leading… (Video)
It's been 17 years since I've started leading worship. Since then, I've realized I was wrong and it's time I change my mind...
One Bible verse every worship leader MUST know. (Video)
There is ONE Bible verse that every worship leader should memorize. Can you guess what it is?
This short verse gives us tangible instructions on how we are supposed to lead our church during our times of corporate worship…
You don't need to introduce another new worship song (Video)
Did you know if you have 40 songs in your worship song repertoire and lead 5 songs on a typical Sunday there are 658,008 possible combinations of set lists you can create?…
You aren't a worship leader... you're just singing. (Video)
The Church has been blessed to have many amazing musicians over the past few years. Buttery vocal runs, amazing guitar tone, and well-timed cymbal swells. However...
In the midst of our Christian music industry driven musical excellence, we all struggle with a temptation: am I leading worship or am I just singing? Am I really a worship leader or am I just a musician?…
A better way to start your worship service. (The Dialogue of Worship) (Video)
Are you a "Welcome to church! Let's stand and sing together!" worship leader?
That used to be how I started every Sunday morning... until I realized that there was a much better way to start our services.
What is worship? A definition for worship leaders. (Video)
What's your best definition of worship? Do you even know how to define it?
Worship has become one of those words that we've said over and over and over again... and sometimes when we repeat a word too much, it loses it's meaning.
My current STANCE on worship leading... (Video)
I've been thinking a lot about worship leading recently... reading book after book, studying key passages of Scripture, and thinking about how what I've learned applies to my worship ministry…
How the Christian Music Industry is FUELING corporate worship (Video)
Last week we talked about the NEGATIVE side of the Christian Music Industry and how it is ruining corporate worship in the church. However, like I said last week, I believe that the Christian Music Industry is actually a net-positive on the state of corporate worship…
How the Christian Music Industry is RUINING corporate worship (Video)
Newsflash: The Christian Music Industry is RUINING corporate worship!... okay... maybe it's not quite that dire.
I actually think that the Christian Music Industry as a whole is a net-positive on the corporate worship life of our churches. In fact, we'll talk about the positives in next week's video - How the Christian Music Industry is FUELING corporate worship…
How I Learned To Speak Between Worship Songs (Video)
Confession: It took me about 10 years of worship leading until I finally felt comfortable speaking between worship songs.
For the first few years, I would only speak between worship songs when it was absolutely necessary. Eventually, I moved on to saying something of substance between songs but I still felt uncomfortable every time I did it…
QUIT being WEIRD when you lead worship (Video)
Sometimes we need a friend to tell us the honest truth. Please, let me be that friend for you today.
Over the past few months, I've seen a lot of worship leaders being weird... and you might be one of them…
If you ignore THIS, leading worship will be hard (Video)
There's something that a lot of worship leaders ignore and it's making their job much more difficult.
I know because I ignored it for the first several years of MY worship leading…
Why You're Always EXHAUSTED In Worship Ministry (Video)
Christmas is over and you're exhausted. You've finally felt that heavy weight of seasonal ministry planning lifted off of your shoulders.
But maybe you always feel that weight... maybe you always feel exhausted when it comes to ministry…
5 Rules To Live By For Leading Worship (Video)
What if I told you that there were 5 foundational rules of worship leading that a lot of worship leaders don't follow?…
The 7 Hardest Things To Do In Worship Leading (+ how do to them!) (Video)
Speaking between songs... memorizing your music... telling someone "no" to being on the worship team. There's no doubt that there are a lot of things that are difficult to do in worship ministry…
How I Got My Church To SING On Sundays (Video)
I feel like it's finally starting to click... I hear singing on Sunday mornings.
I started leading worship at the church I'm currently at about two years ago. Over those two years, I've gradually heard the volume of congregational singing increase more and more…
Add These Worship Leading Books To Your Cart Today! (Video)
Pro-tip: Add a worship leading book to your cart before you hit "purchase" this weekend!
Black Friday is here and you're probably going to buy a bunch of "things" today. Gear is on sale and it's wonderful.
But one of the best things you can do this weekend is invest in yourself. It's easy! Just add a worship leading book to your cart before you hit "buy…"
I Quit Worship Leading: Here's What I Learned... (Video)
Did I ever tell you about the time I quit leading worship?
There was a 10 month stretch where I didn't lead worship at all. I didn't play my guitar. I didn't sing. I didn't focus on speaking transitions. I didn't even step on stage…
The HUGE Christmas Service MISTAKE You're About To Make. (Video)
The Christmas season starts soon and I'm sure you've already started planning your Christmas services. But there's one thing that hundreds of worship leaders are going to get wrong this year! Don't be one of them!…