3 "Do's" For Leading Worship Well Online This Easter
You want to lead your church well this Easter but, as I said in the post on Monday, while the MESSAGE we get to share hasn't changed - the METHOD has.
And along with that METHOD change, there's been a learning curve to learn how to lead worship online.
So, as you head into one of the biggest Sundays of the year, I want to give a few practical tips for the METHOD of leading worship well online.
Here are 3 "DO'S" for leading worship well online this Easter:
1 | DO address your church in your livestream
One of the biggest mistakes I see worship leaders making right now is that they don't address their church during their livestream.
Listen - I'll say it again - the METHOD has changed!
That means that you can't just lead worship like you're still leading a room full of people. It might have made sense to just head straight into your worship set without saying anything a couple months ago. But, now that doesn't work.
The biggest fear of worship leaders is that online church will just become a spectacle where people just sit back and watch instead of participating. That's virtually guaranteed to happen if you never address your church directly before you lead worship.
2 | DO look into the camera when you speak to your church
Let's talk about HOW to speak to your church when you address them. Look directly into the camera. It doesn't matter if there are other people in the room you are leading in - the majority of the people you are leading are online.
In film, it's called breaking the 4th wall. It's looking directly at the people who are watching you. In normal media, breaking the 4th wall is to be used judiciously BUT when you're leading your church it should be your regular method of communication.
3 | DO use speaking transitions to pastor your church
Speaking transitions are now more important than ever. These are your chance to remind your church that this isn't just a musical performance that they're watching on a screen.
So, if you struggle with speaking transitions, head over to the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel and watch the series "What To Say While Leading Worship | The Ultimate Guide"
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