speaking transitions

The 7 Hardest Things To Do In Worship Leading (+ how do to them!) (Video)

Speaking between songs... memorizing your music... telling someone "no" to being on the worship team. There's no doubt that there are a lot of things that are difficult to do in worship ministry…

Use A Worship Speaking Transition During These Spots In Your Worship Service (Video)

Tired of saying the same speaking transition in the same spot in your service every single Sunday?…

3 Ways To Embrace Simplicity In Your Worship Ministry

Simplicity makes things faster. In the long run, simplicity is cheaper. And simplicity leads to clarity.

What if what you did in your worship ministry could be done faster, for less money, and result in a clearer message? That's the power of embracing SIMPLICITY!…

3 Worship Leading Phenomena That NEED NOT Be "Supernatural Spontaneous Acts Of God"

I want to be careful with how I phrase this but... sometimes we OVER SPIRITUALIZE things that happen in our worship leading.

Hear me out...

Worship Speaking Transitions: Transitioning From "Me" To "Us"

One mistake worship leaders make when speaking while leading worship is using too much language that focuses on themselves.

It sounds something like this, "I was reading MY Bible yesterday and came across this verse and it really spoke to ME. This is what's going on in MY life. It's awesome how God can speak to ME in MY time of need."…

3 Ways Knowing Your Church Improves Your Worship Leading

Your church is made up of people. And if you want to lead worship well, you have to lead those people well. That means knowing them…

3 Benefits Of Worshiping Through Your Set List

Most worship leaders have made it to the point where they understand that, in order to lead worship well, you need to know how to play the songs you're leading well…

What To Say Between Worship Songs | How To Sound Authentic (Video)

Do you get "worship leader voice" when you start speaking in front of your church while leading worship?…

What To Play Behind Your Pastor | 5 Tips For Better Talking Music (Video)

Do you play background music behind people while they're speaking during your worship service? Maybe it's behind someone who comes up to give the announcements. Or your pastor when they're preaching. Or just during your speaking transitions while you lead worship…

3 Tips For Not Feeling Awkward When You Speak While Leading Worship

Undoubtedly, speaking while leading worship can feel awkward. Especially when you're new to leading worship. Just playing your instrument or singing in front of other people is nerve-wracking enough, but add public speaking on top of that and it gets even more uncomfortable.

How can you overcome those feelings of awkwardness and lead your church with confidence?…

3 Ways To Make An Old Worship Song Feel New Again

Do you have any songs in your worship team repertoire that are starting to feel like they're getting old? Well, you could just get rid of them and stop doing them. But, you've spent a lot of time teaching your church these songs - they know them - they can sing along easily with them. So, what if, before you cut them from the list, you tried to make them feel new again?…

3 Tips For Better Transitions Between Worship Songs

Transitions are one of the harder things to figure out when it comes to leading worship. At first, it seems like the task of leading worship is to just pick some songs and play them. Of course, as you lead for a while, you quickly realize it's much more than that. Musically, it's not just about picking random songs and playing them. It's about figuring out how the songs work together. It's about finding how to navigate between different keys, fast songs and slow songs, and whatever else you have going on in your worship gathering…