Saturday Challenge - Talk About The Good Things In Your Speaking Transitions
I challenge you to talk about the GOOD THINGS in your speaking transitions tomorrow.
Let's not forget that some people's lives AREN'T horrible.
Don't alienate the people in your church who are in a season of celebration - celebrate with them!
Romans 12:15 says "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn."
For worship leaders, it comes natural to us to speak truth into the hardships of life.
You know the token speaking transitions:
"I don't know what you're going through today. Maybe you've LOST your job. Maybe your marriage is FALLING APART. Maybe you're dealing with SICKNESS. Well, I want you to know that GOD is GOOD when LIFE is HARD."
"No matter what season of struggle you're in - we can know that God is a faithful God."
"Listen, I know your dog chased your cat around the living room last night and knocked over your favorite lamp and it fell into your fish bowl and electrocuted your gold fish BUT that doesn't change who God is because he is a God who never fails." (Alright... did I go too far on that one? You get the point.)
Some things in life are difficult. Some things in life are good.
People need God both in the highs and the lows.
So before you lead worship tomorrow, think about how you can rejoice with those who are rejoicing and point them to God.
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