Good Things Lead To Good Things
There's a principle I try to live my life by: good things lead to good things.
This isn't karma I'm talking about.
I'm talking about the fact that God knows what's best. He's revealed it to us. And if we regularly and consistently choose to follow his ways over our own - it will lead to good.
The idea is simple: a consistent dedication to doing what we know is right will eventually lead to God's best for our life.
This isn't a one time deal. It takes discipline - doing the "good thing" over and over and over again.
Here are 3 tangible examples of how good things lead to good things in worship ministry:
1 | Preparing properly
When we worship and lead our church, we want to bring our best. The way we do that is through proper preparation.
And preparing well is so simple to get right BUT so easy to ignore - especially when you've been leading worship for 5+ years. You already know what you're doing. Why prepare?
Well, each instance of preparation allows us to slowly improve over time (no matter how long you've been leading, there is room to improve).
Also, worship leading is a fluid responsibility. There is no set formula that we can learn and never have to change what we do again. People's lives change and we need to lead them accordingly.
You know that preparing properly is the "good thing" to do. So, do it - over and over and over again. You will improve your worship leading and be able to lead your church well.
2 | Focusing on your personal spiritual disciplines
What you do in private will eventually come out in public.
If you do the "good things" in private, "good things" will come out authentically in public.
3 | Building relationships with your worship team
Ministry is about people - not "doing things."
But the hard part is - it's easier to "do things" than it is to lead people.
It doesn't matter if you create the perfect chord charts or have the best worship rehearsal structure if there is no relationship with your team.
So, do the "good thing" - prioritize building relationships with people on your team over doing things. It'll lead to a healthier team that is able to serve your church better.
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.