how to prepare to lead worship

Good Things Lead To Good Things

There's a principle I try to live my life by: good things lead to good things.

This isn't karma I'm talking about.

I'm talking about the fact that God knows what's best. He's revealed it to us. And if we regularly and consistently choose to follow his ways over our own - it will lead to good…

3 Questions To Ask Before Guest Worship Leading At A Church

It can be a little intimidating leading at a church you've never led at before.

You don't know the culture. You don't know the people you'll be leading. And you're not sure what gear they have.

That's why it's important to clearly and intentionally communicate with the church you'll be leading at beforehand!…

What To Say Between Worship Songs | How To Sound Authentic (Video)

Do you get "worship leader voice" when you start speaking in front of your church while leading worship?…

3 Keys To Leading Worship With Confidence

What do you do when you aren't confident in your leading? You rush through the songs and just try to get them over with. You don't take time to speak because you're afraid of how it's going to come across. And at the end of it all, you feel like things could have gone better if you would have just been a bit more trusting…

3 Reasons You Need To Run Through Your Worship Set List (Video)

When you first start leading worship, you typically put in tons of work in advance preparing to lead. You've got songs to learn (which takes forever especially when you're new to an instrument). You're nervous about being in front of people so you prepare even more. And so on... and so forth... until you finally feel at least a little bit ready to lead on Sunday…