3 Ways To Trust The Holy Spirit In Your Worship Leading
"You've just got to 'trust the Holy Spirit' in your worship leading."
"I'm just 'trusting the Spirit' to lead me during our time of worship."
Maybe you've heard the phrase "trust the Holy Spirit" a million times in relation to leading worship but you have no idea what it means.
To be honest, it's a broad concept that people don't often dive into. It's easier to use it as a nice platitude (or excuse for not actually properly preparing to lead worship) than it is to apply it to our worship leading.
I want to assure you that "trusting the Holy Spirit" is very important in your worship leading.
But, if we want to do it, we have to actually know what it means.
Here are 3 ways to trust the Holy Spirit in your worship leading:
1 | In your preparation
The Holy Spirit gives you wisdom and guidance. That wisdom and guidance doesn't just come when you are on stage leading worship. It happens in your preparation too.
To trust the Holy Spirit in your preparation looks a lot like wise decision making. It's prayerfully considering where God wants to lead your church and then making decisions based on that.
If you have truly sought God's direction in prayer, you don't have to guess what He wants. You can use the wisdom the Holy Spirit provides to trust that the decisions you've made are the correct ones.
2 | The power in which you lead
To trust in the Holy Spirit means that you don't trust in your own power to accomplish what God wants to accomplish.
It's understanding that anything you do apart from God is useless. We can't craft the perfect set list and sing people into his presence - only the Holy Spirit can lead them there.
The awesome part is that God has placed his Spirit inside of us and chooses to use us for his purposes.
So, make this your prayer before you lead: "God, let me not lead in my own power but in the power of the Holy Spirit."
3 | In your time of worship
Finally, the Holy Spirit DOES lead us when we are leading others. He doesn't leave us to do it on our own.
So, listen for promptings that might lead you in a different direction than you originally had planned and step into those moments with confidence.
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