Worship Speaking Transitions: Transitioning From "Me" To "Us"
One mistake worship leaders make when speaking while leading worship is using too much language that focuses on themselves.
It sounds something like this, "I was reading MY Bible yesterday and came across this verse and it really spoke to ME. This is what's going on in MY life. It's awesome how God can speak to ME in MY time of need."
Now, obviously that's an exaggeration, but this is the lesson to learn: when you lead your church in worship, you should use the word "US" more than you use the word "ME."
When you are leading your church, you have a responsibility to not just share what YOU'VE learned during the week but to share how it applies to their lives.
Here are 3 steps to transition from "God spoke to me" to "God is speaking to us":
1 | Figure out what God is saying to YOU
It IS important to understand what God is saying to YOU personally during the week.
Take time to listen.
What truth is God highlighting in your life?
This is the FIRST step in crafting worship speaking transitions for Sunday mornings. But, it's not the ONLY step - so don't stop there!
2 | Ask: How does this apply to my CHURCH?
Take what you feel like God is highlighting and put it through this filter: "How does this apply to my church?"
This is the transition from "ME" to "US." What does what you learned mean for your church?
The answer may be - it doesn't mean anything for my church and this was just something personal that God revealed to me.
OR the answer may be - what God revealed to me means (this) in my life AND it means (this) in the life of the people of my church.
3 | Share it with your church
Now you're ready to speak to your church.
Share the thought process you went through. It's even okay to share how God spoke to YOU as long as you also share how it applies to the rest of your church.
Speak with your church in mind - what does it mean for them?
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