speaking between songs

How I Learned To Speak Between Worship Songs (Video)

Confession: It took me about 10 years of worship leading until I finally felt comfortable speaking between worship songs.

For the first few years, I would only speak between worship songs when it was absolutely necessary. Eventually, I moved on to saying something of substance between songs but I still felt uncomfortable every time I did it…

Use A Worship Speaking Transition During These Spots In Your Worship Service (Video)

Tired of saying the same speaking transition in the same spot in your service every single Sunday?…

Worship Speaking Transitions: Transitioning From "Me" To "Us"

One mistake worship leaders make when speaking while leading worship is using too much language that focuses on themselves.

It sounds something like this, "I was reading MY Bible yesterday and came across this verse and it really spoke to ME. This is what's going on in MY life. It's awesome how God can speak to ME in MY time of need."…

3 Tips For Not Feeling Awkward When You Speak While Leading Worship

Undoubtedly, speaking while leading worship can feel awkward. Especially when you're new to leading worship. Just playing your instrument or singing in front of other people is nerve-wracking enough, but add public speaking on top of that and it gets even more uncomfortable.

How can you overcome those feelings of awkwardness and lead your church with confidence?…

3 Reasons You Need To Run Through Your Worship Set List (Video)

When you first start leading worship, you typically put in tons of work in advance preparing to lead. You've got songs to learn (which takes forever especially when you're new to an instrument). You're nervous about being in front of people so you prepare even more. And so on... and so forth... until you finally feel at least a little bit ready to lead on Sunday…

3 Spots During Your Worship Set To Use A Speaking Transition

Over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, we've started looking at how to speak while you're leading worship. That series continues tomorrow with a new video called "What To Say Between Worship Songs | 4 Steps To Start Speaking Between Worship Songs."

So, maybe you're starting to get an understanding of WHAT you should be saying while leading worship. But, there's another question to answer - WHERE should you be speaking?…

3 Tips For Being Authentic When You Speak To Your Church

The beauty of being in the church is that you CAN be yourself - however imperfect you feel - and other people are okay with it (or at least should be).

How's that relate to speaking to your church? It means you don't have to use grandiose language or fancy words to impress people - you can be authentic. How do you do that?…

3 Benefits Of Writing Your Thoughts Down For Worship Leaders

As a worship leader, you probably have a lot of thoughts bouncing around in your head. There are so many different things that you can do and these thoughts pop into your head without any advanced notice. Everything from speaking transitions to song lyrics to prayers to vision for your team - it's easy for those things to stay in your head…

4 Steps To Start Speaking Between Worship Songs

Speaking between worship songs is hands down one of the most nerve-racking responsibilities for worship leaders when they first start out. It's one thing to play your instrument and sing in front of people. It's a whole other thing to speak in front of people and have everyone's eyes on you…

3 Tips For Praying While Leading Worship

One of the things that new worship leaders often feel uncomfortable with is praying in front of people. They hear other leaders who pray elegant prayers and always seem to pray the right thing at the right time. Maybe you think, "I could never pray like that."

If you lead worship for any amount of time, chances are you'll have more than a few opportunities to pray. So what should you pray? How do you do it in front of the people you're leading?…

3 Things To Do Before You Introduce A Song You Wrote To Your Church

Last week we talked about "3 Keys To Writing Songs For Your Church.” Now let's take a look at the process of introducing those songs to your church and using them in a worship gathering.

Here are 3 things you should do before you introduce a song you've written to your church…

3 Keys To Explaining The Meaning Behind Worship To Your Church

You've only got a few minutes between songs on Sundays to speak directly to your church. How are you supposed to use that short amount of time to effectively communicate the meaning of worship? Not to mention the average church-goer only attends church 1 week every month…