4 Steps To Start Speaking Between Worship Songs
Speaking between worship songs is hands down one of the most nerve-racking responsibilities for worship leaders when they first start out. It's one thing to play your instrument and sing in front of people. It's a whole other thing to speak in front of people and have everyone's eyes on you.
For this reason, a lot of worship leaders go months or even years with never speaking to the people they're leading in worship. They go from one song to the next to the next never stopping to speak. Maybe that's where you're at. How can you start speaking between songs?
Here are 4 steps to start speaking between worship songs:
1️⃣ Identify transition spots
Before you speak between songs, you have to know the appropriate places to speak. In order to find these transition spots, take a look at your worship gathering as a whole. Where will other people be speaking? Is there a long section of musical worship that might be appropriate to break up with a speaking transition? Is there a specific moment you want to lead your congregation in?
Look for spots between songs but also look between the chorus and bridge of songs. These are all great places to take a moment to speak to the people you're leading.
2️⃣ Write out exactly what you want to say
When you first start speaking, it's helpful to write out exactly what you want to say. Writing out what you want to say helps you formulate your thoughts in a way that simply thinking about them can't. Think about what you want to communicate in the moment. Where are you leading people? Is there a specific line of the song you want to elaborate on? Write it down!
3️⃣ Memorize the 1 or 2 main points you want to communicate
The goal of writing your transition isn't to memorize a script, it's just to help you formulate your thoughts. Take a look at what you wrote and pull out the 1 or 2 things that you REALLY want to say. Memorize those and then practice saying them without the script in front of you.
4️⃣ Keep it short!
Your transition doesn't need to be super long. Keep it short and concise. Worry more about the clarity of what you're saying than about the length.
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