Saturday Challenge - Provide A Specific Opportunity To Respond
I challenge you to provide your church a specific opportunity to respond to God tomorrow.
When it comes to your congregation engaging in worship, you can't force them to engage. However, you CAN provide them an opportunity to respond. It's up to them to decide whether they want to take it or not.
Most people who come to church WANT to respond. Often times, they are just unsure how to do it. That's why it's your job as a worship leader to provide a clear opportunity for them to respond. You can set up this specific opportunity during a speaking transition. Highlight some truth of God and then invite them to respond directly to it. Invite them to go before God and hand over that "thing they've been holding on to." Invite them to remember a specific time in their life God has been faithful and allow that to inform their praise. Whatever it is, make it something specific! Give them a clear opportunity to respond
Before you lead tomorrow, I challenge you to craft a specific opportunity for your church to respond to God.
This is just 1 truth about congregational engagement. If you want to hear a few more, check out the post I put up earlier this week "3 Truths About Congregational Engagement For Worship Leaders!"
5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.