3 Truths For Worship Leaders About The Week Before Easter
It's finally here - the week before Easter! And I'm sure you've got a lot on your plate. Let's keep it short and simple today and be reminded of these 3 truths.
Here are 3 truths for worship leaders about the week before Easter:
1 | This is only a season
This is only a season. The busyness will not last forever. So, embrace it. You're going to be tired this week. You might be overwhelmed. There are probably going to be last minute changes. Things may not go like you planned. Be flexible. Go with the flow. Trust God's plan and timing.
2 | Just because it's only a season doesn't mean you get a pass on rest
Sure, it's a busy season but that doesn't mean you get a pass on rest. Take rest seriously this week. Sneak in as much as you possibly can because you need it! Don't wear your tiredness and overwhelm as a badge of honor. Be the worship leader who shows up on Easter Sunday full of energy and ready to tell the greatest story ever told!
3 | It's worth it
This season of craziness is worth it. It's worth it to see lives changed. It's worth it to tell people that Jesus has died for them to save them from sin and then rose again so that they can have new life. Keep that message in front of you. The story you're telling isn't JUST the creative element you put together for your Easter opener. The story you're telling isn't JUST the set list you carefully planned. The story you're telling is the story of Jesus - that's the story that has the power to change lives and move people to worship.
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