3 Ideas To Consider When Planning Your Easter Service
It's time to start planning for Easter if you haven't already! We're only 6 weeks away. I'm sure your next few weeks will be full of picking songs, planning creative elements, and getting everything ready. It can be easy to simply look at what you did last year, make a few minor changes, and call it good. Here are a few things to think about incorporating into your service this year.
Here are 3 ideas to consider when planning your Easter service:
1️⃣ Start with the cross
The resurrection only makes sense in light of Jesus's death.
What if this Easter you started your service focused on the cross? How much more powerful would that moment of celebration of the resurrection be if it started with the understanding that Jesus died for our sins and THEN was raised to life to confirm what he did - bringing us new life in the process. That may be an understanding you carry in with you on Easter morning but it's not one most of your church will be thinking about. Consider connecting those dots for people as they enter into the Easter celebration.
2️⃣ Explain explain explain
There are always people who haven't been at church in a while that come on Easter morning. You have two choices: carry on as you normally do OR make every effort to include them. This effort to include them involves explaining things that may seem obvious to people who come to your church regularly - Why you worship. What to do in the moments of reflection during worship. The meaning behind certain songs you sing. - Make sure to explain these understandings you take for granted to the people who come on Easter morning.
3️⃣ Incorporate familiar songs
In the same way you explain things to people who don't normally come to church, try picking songs that might be familiar to them. There are so many great modern worship songs for Easter (Check out "20 Worship Songs For Easter 2019") - but don't forget about the older ones. Some suggestions: Amazing Grace, Mighty To Save, Jesus Paid It All, In Christ Alone, The Old Rugged Cross, The Wondrous Cross.
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