3 Ways The Stories Of The People You Lead Impacts How You Lead Them
Everyone in your church has a story. They are all real people with real lives, real struggles, and real victories. One of the benefits of serving in the church is that you get to learn these stories. This is not a random group of people you're leading in worship - this is YOUR church. So, take advantage of the fact that you get the opportunity to learn people's stories. Find out what's going on in their lives. Build relationships with them - learn their struggles and successes. Then, use the knowledge of what's going on in their lives to better lead them in worship.
Here are 3 ways you can allow the stories of the people you're leading to impact how you lead them:
1 | Song choices
Choosing songs becomes easier when you know the people you're worshiping with. Reflect on those situations you know about. Are they good? Are they bad? What words do those people in your church need to sing in relation to the season of life they're in?
Ask yourself the question: If I was in their situation, what's one thing I'd know I'd need to say but wouldn't know how to? Use the answer to pick songs that directly speak into people's lives.
2 | Speaking transitions
Speaking transitions become easier when you know the people you're worshiping with. It can be difficult to know what to say when you don't have any context. But, when you start pulling in the details of the people you're leading, it often gives you inspiration about what you need to say. When you are preparing your speaking transitions, envision the person you are talking to. Pretend it is just you and them. What truth do they need to hear? Say that during your speaking transition.
3 | Sing it over them
Use the stories of people from your church as an opportunity to sing songs over people. View it as intercessory prayer. Believe that it is true in their circumstance. This is one way to help you stay focused while leading worship. Think about those people's situations and consider how the truth you're singing applies to them.
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