3 Keys To A Stress Free Christmas For Worship Leaders
It's the most wonderful time of the year!... at least that's how the song goes. But it definitely doesn't feel like it sometimes if you're a worship leader. There's a lot to do during the Christmas season. You've got special events to plan for, extra services, and let's not even think about all those chords you still have to learn for those classic Christmas songs. There's no doubt Christmas can be a stressful season for worship leaders. But, there are a few things you can do to remove that stress.
Here are 3 keys to making the Christmas season stress-free this year:
1 | Plan early
Get started ASAP on your Christmas planning. The longer you have to plan, the less rushed you'll be when the Christmas season actually hits. Your schedule is already chock-full of extra events, parties, and services - so get done what you CAN get done early! Pick out your Christmas songs and start to learn them. Start planning any special elements to your Christmas services right now. Not only will you be less stressed, you'll have more time to make these elements even better!
2 | Plan well
"Christmas is still 7 weeks away" turns into "Christmas is still 4 weeks away" which turns into "Christmas is tomorrow!" Don't let your early planning keep you from planning well. Don't just come up with what you want to do for Christmas, actually flesh out the plan! The more prepared you are the less stressed you'll be when the time comes. Imagine if you had been preparing and practicing for Christmas for 6 weeks before the day actually came!
3 | Don't neglect rest
Just because it's Christmas doesn't mean you get a pass on rest. There's nothing worse than being stressed... except for being stressed AND tired! Don't compromise your day of rest just because it's a busy season. Rest allows you to get more done in less time. So, in the end, it's worth taking a day off to be refreshed and coming back to work the next day so you can work even harder!
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