3 Questions To Ask Before Confronting A Difficult Worship Team Situation
If you're like most worship leaders, you've probably NEVER had to deal with conflict before... just kidding!
Any time you get a group of people together in any capacity, conflict will eventually arise.
As leaders, we need to know how to deal with it.
Here are 3 questions to ask before confronting a difficult worship team situation:
1 | If I let this continue, what will my team look like a YEAR from now?
Don't let short-term comfortability affect the long-term health of your worship ministry.
Think about what the specific problem will lead to if it's not addressed.
People arguing over who gets to sing lead on a specific song? A year from now that blossoms into a toxic culture of bitterness and envy that has permeated your entire worship team.
Someone not showing up to rehearsals on time? A year from now that grows into your entire worship team not seeing rehearsals as important so no one comes.
Or, maybe you need to consider the idea that you could be overreacting and the problem you think is a big deal won't be a big deal a year from now.
You'll never know until you ask the question.
2 | What am I not seeing?
Nearly all of the time we don't have the full picture.
In order to address the situation with empathy and wisdom, it's helpful to have all of the information.
So, consider what you're not seeing. Ask other leaders you trust for their input.
Continue to build relationships with the people involved in the conflict and you might learn that the root of the conflict has NOTHING to do with what's actually happening on your worship team.
3 | Is this person someone I can build my worship team on?
This is a last resort - but, sometimes you have to be okay with letting people leave.
If you want to build a HEALTHY worship team, UNHEALTHY team members will eventually leave.
So, before you deal with the conflict, ask yourself if you're okay with that happening for the betterment of the future of your team.
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