3 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Quit Leading Worship
Ever feel like giving up? Ever get frustrated with some aspect of leading worship? Maybe your church doesn't respond the way you hope they would. Maybe your team is inconsistent. Maybe you've dealt with too much criticism and you're tried of it.
Here are 3 questions to ask yourself before you quit leading worship:
1 | Why did I start leading worship in the first place?
Think back to when you first started leading worship. Why'd you start? It was new and exciting. The objective was simple - literally - lead God's people in worship. But overtime, as your responsibilities grew, you added more and more pressure on yourself (probably things that aren't even supposed to be your responsibility anyway). And that pressure clouded your perception of your true purpose.
So think back to the beginning - before team scheduling, before you started trying to satisfy everyone's needs, before showing up to rehearsal every week felt like a chore - why'd you start leading worship? Focus on that.
2 | What part of my frustration can I own and fix?
You probably feel like quitting because you're frustrated with something. And that "something" might not be something you can completely control. You can't control when key volunteers don't show up on Sunday. You can't control the fact that your pastor only tells you what he's preaching on on Saturday night. You can't control that person who complained that you only did one hymn last Sunday instead of two.
But... you CAN control how you react to each of those situations. You CAN own your frustration and fix what you're responsible for. You CAN build a team that shows up every time they're supposed to serve by setting expectations and sticking to them. You CAN control scheduling your songs in advance and being flexible if you need to be. You CAN control your understanding that it's not your job to meet everyone's preferences.
3 | What are 3 things I can celebrate from my past year of leading worship?
Even though these past few months might have felt like a failure - there were wins. You just can't see them because you're only looking at the negatives. Think hard: what can you celebrate?
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