3 Truths About Personal Development For Worship Leaders
How often do you intentionally sit down to work "on" your worship leading instead of just "in" your worship leading? The unfortunate truth is that it's easy to get caught in the cycle of always DOING and never IMPROVING.
Sure... there might be small improvements that you gain through repetition but at some point, you're going to reach the end of your knowledge and just keep doing the same thing. How can you overcome that?
The answer is: invest in yourself. It's about learning more so you can get better. But, it isn't that easy...
Here are 3 truths about investing in yourself for worship leaders:
1 | No one is going to ask you to invest in yourself
No one in your church is going to ask you to take time to improve your worship leading. They aren't going to ask you to go to a worship conference. They aren't going to ask you to sit down and watch a 30 minute YouTube video - in fact they might even think that's a waste of time. People don't ask you to get better, they just ask you to do things.
That means that it's YOUR responsibility to make sure that you are getting trained. It's your responsibility to set aside time to invest in yourself instead one of the million other projects that you could be focusing on.
2 | If you don't make time for it, it won't happen
Getting better doesn't happen by accident. You will not drift towards improvement. You have to make the conscious decision to set aside time for it. If you don't, there are too many other tasks (things that are tangible) that will fill up your calendar. The problem with investing in yourself is that it doesn't feel like there is a tangible result. After you listen to a podcast, you can't pull what you learned out of your pocket and hand it to someone.
But the truth is: often times, the things that have the greatest impact in your ministry are not things that you can quantify, measure, or show off.
3 | It is the key to getting "unstuck" in your worship leading
Sometimes you've just reached the end of the reserves of your worship leading knowledge and need more knowledge to take it to the next step. If you feel stuck, learn something new and apply it to your leading.
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.