3 Quick Tips For A Better Christmas Eve Service

3 Quick Tips For A Better Christmas Eve Service

Just a few more hours until your Christmas Eve service starts! Or maybe you've already finished one of multiple services today.

Whatever it is, here are 3 quick tips for a better Christmas Eve service:

1 | Read Luke 2:1-20

Take a few minutes to read through the account of Jesus's birth. Let it set you in the right mind set for when you lead. If this story is all that's communicated when you lead during your gathering tonight, you've done your job. Simply put the message is this: I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah the Lord.

2 | Embrace the Intimacy

Singing some Christmas carols tonight? Embrace the intimacy of the moment. Don't feel the need to vocally lead every word - everyone knows the songs. Take a moment to step back from the mic and let people sing out! This frees you up to enjoy the moment as well!

3 | Run Through Your Songs One More Time And Then Take A Break!

You've got a million things running through your head right now. Do one more mental run through of everything you're doing. Run through the songs you're playing. Go over the speaking transitions. And then... TAKE A BREAK! A rested you is a better you. You've put in the hard work up until this point. You know what you're doing. You've got this!

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