3 Reasons The Songs You Pick Should Connect With Your Pastor's Message
When you plan songs for Sunday, do you typically make sure they connect to your pastor's message?
There are essentially 3 things that happen during a worship service: musical worship, prayer, and preaching. You can either treat these 3 things as separate or you can plan them so they work together. Most leaders connect musical worship with prayer AND preaching with prayer but sometimes leaders neglect connecting musical worship with preaching.
Here are 3 reasons why the songs you plan for your worship set should be connected with your pastor's message:
1 | Songs can prepare people for the message
When worship leaders think about connecting the songs they choose to the message, their first thought is the "response song" coming out of the message. However, worship songs can also be used in a way that prepares people to learn more about a certain topic.
Consider how the songs you choose can put people in the mindset of what your pastor is preaching on. This gets people to start thinking about the topic and then let's your pastor dive deeper with them.
2 | You don't want to overload people with too many different directions
If your pastor has already gone through the process of seeking what direction God wants to lead your church, why not work to support that? You should be in communication with your pastor asking them what direction they're sensing God wants to lead the church. Then, work to support that. There's no need for you to implement a completely different direction. That will simply leave people confused. Work with your pastor to come up with a cohesive plan for your Sunday gathering.
3 | It allows people to respond to the message
Songs can prepare people for the message - but they're also a great way to respond to the message as well. Your church will be responding throughout the week but pick songs coming out of the message that specifically allow people to respond to what they just heard. These can be powerful moments when your church is responding to a truth they just heard together!
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