song selection

3 Worship Ministry Areas To Re-Evaluate In 2019

As 2019 begins, it's a great time to take a step back and reevaluate what's working and what isn't working in your worship ministry. Maybe the way you did things in 2018 worked for a season but now it's time to take the next step. Or maybe what you tried to incorporate last year simply didn't work at all. That's okay - you learn from failure. The failure isn't the important part it's what you do with it. So pick yourself up and ask the question: how can I make this better?…

3 Reasons The Songs You Pick Should Connect With Your Pastor's Message

There are essentially 3 things that happen during a worship service: musical worship, prayer, and preaching. You can either treat these 3 things as separate or you can plan them so they work together. Most leaders connect musical worship with prayer AND preaching with prayer but sometimes leaders neglect connecting musical worship with preaching…

3 Ways To Adapt Songs For Your Church

Believe it or not: you don't have to play worship songs exactly like they sound on the radio. You can adapt them to the specific context you're leading in. In fact, adapting them to your church's unique voice often helps your congregation connect more with them…