3 Reasons You Don't Have To Be The Best Singer To Lead Worship
Do you ever feel like you aren't good enough to lead worship? Maybe you're self-conscious about your voice. Maybe you compare yourself to other worship leaders who you know are better singers than you. The truth is: you don't have to be the best singer in the world to lead worship. You only need to be slightly above average.
Hear me out! Here are 3 reasons you don't have to be the best singer in the world to lead worship:
1 | The people you're leading are only average singers
Sometimes what feels like a weakness is actually a strength. That's particularly true when it comes to vocal range in leading worship. It's important to put the songs you're leading in a singable key for the people you're leading. When you have a large vocal range, the temptation to push past that singable key for your own preference is heightened. But, when you have an average vocal range to begin with, it's much easier to put songs in a singable key for your congregation because that's what works best for your voice too!
2 | The only way to get better is to do it!
When God calls someone to lead musical worship, he also equips them with the musical ability to do so. However, that musical ability doesn't all come at one time. It's something that develops over time. God doesn't ask you to wait to use your gift before it's fully developed. The way you develop your gift is to use it in it's current form.
Worship team leaders who already feel musically equipped to lead worship take note: Don't wait for someone to have the perfect voice before allowing them to join the worship team. If you believe they truly have been called to lead worship, even if they aren't vocally ready yet, give them the chance to grow their gift. You don't have to have them lead on Sundays yet, just give them a chance to grow by being with your team during rehearsals.
3 | Leading worship is at most 50% about musical ability
At the end of the day, leading worship is about much more than musical ability. If you have a heart for leading people in worship, don't let your perfectionism stifle that.
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
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