singable key

3 Reasons Your Church Isn't Singing (That You Can Fix)

As a church, one of the ways we worship together is through singing. So, it would be nice if everyone was involved in the process.

And there are reasons that we can't control that people don't sing. But, there are a few things you CAN do to make sure that, if people are ready, they're able to sing along and worship with the rest of your church…

Finding The Perfect Key For Your Worship Song | The Complete Process (Video)

Is your church having trouble singing along when you lead worship? That could be for any number of reasons. But, the one reason that is so easy to fix is that you aren't putting your songs in a singable key…

3 Mistakes Worship Leaders Frequently Make

Sometimes worship leaders make mistakes. There. I said it. And sometimes, they don't just make mistakes, they make them over and over again. And the worst part is that, often times, you don't even know that you're making them…

The 4 Most Common Worship Leading Mistakes

Mistakes happen. They're often the best way to learn. And if you lead worship for any amount of time, you're going to make a mistake or two. The problem isn't making the mistake itself - it's when you don't learn from it…

3 Reasons You Don't Have To Be The Best Singer To Lead Worship

Do you ever feel like you aren't good enough to lead worship? Maybe you're self-conscious about your voice. Maybe you compare yourself to other worship leaders who you know are better singers than you. The truth is: you don't have to be the best singer in the world to lead worship. You only need to be slightly above average…

3 Ways To Change Sunday Morning Entertainment Into Worship

The countdown hits zero. The band starts to play. You welcome everyone to church and then head into the first verse. As you look into your worship space as it slowly fills up, you notice that it doesn't seem like people are worshiping. They're just staring at you and the band.

Unless they've been specifically taught the contrary, the average church-goer sees music on Sunday as entertainment. It's a band on stage playing. Their job is to stand and watch and maybe sing along when the band plays their favorite song…