3 Reasons You Should Know The People You're Leading In Worship
Different people respond to being led in worship in different ways. You'd lead a group of teenagers differently than you'd lead a group of 80 year olds. It's not about what's right or wrong, it's about what best engages the people you're leading. Maybe hymns don't work as well with teenagers but they do with older members of the church. Or maybe you have an older group at church who loves contemporary music. It's important to know the people you're leading in worship!
Here are 3 practical reasons it's important to know who you're leading in worship:
1 | Know What They Want
When people come to church, they typically come with expectations. For better or worse, they come expecting to worship in a specific way. It's important to know these expectations so that you can include them. Or, if you're including something new that they aren't used to, you can talk them through it in way that makes sense to them.
Do you know what your congregation expects when they come to church?
2 | Know What They Need
When it comes to preferences in worship, most people lean in one direction further than another. People connect with different things on a deeper level and, in the process, sometimes miss out on other important elements of worship. That's why it's important to not just give people what they WANT in worship but also include what you know they NEED.
Do you know what your congregation needs?
3 | Know How To Stretch Them
Finally, once you know what they want and what they need, you can know specifically how to stretch them. Once you truly know the people you're leading, you'll be able to push them past any boundaries they have in worship. You can start to implement things that might be uncomfortable for them at first but in the end will be beneficial.
Do you know how you can stretch your congregation?
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