3 Simple Ways To Keep A Worship Song Fresh

3 Simple Ways To Keep A Worship Song Fresh

Do you have any songs in your worship leading repertoire that are getting old? You've played them a hundred times and it's starting to feel like you're doing "the same old thing."

The truth is, while the song might be getting boring for you, your congregation is probably just starting to sing it. For every 4 or 5 times you've played a song, the average person in your congregation has only sung it once. Therefore, it's important to keep songs in the rotation longer than just your personal preference.

So, how can you still keep these songs fresh when playing them over and over again?

Here are 3 simple ways you can keep a worship song fresh:

1 | Change the arrangement

You don't want to take the song out of your worship rotation yet because your congregation is just becoming able to sing it. One of the best ways to keep a song fresh is to simply change the arrangement. It's still the same song so people will know it and be able to sing it but it will feel different for your team.

You could do something as simple as starting with the chorus instead of the verse. Or maybe you normally go into the bridge with the full band - try backing the volume down and building up from there. You could have a different instrument play the lead part. There are thousands of ways to arrange a single song, so experiment and keep things fresh.

2 | Let someone else lead it

The simple act of letting someone else lead a song can make it feel different. Especially if you change between male and female vocals. Each singer brings their own uniqueness to how a song is led. So you don't even have to plan anything specific out - simply allowing someone else to lead will make the song fresh. In addition, that singer may want the song arranged in a different way or the key will need to be changed to better fit their vocal range.

3 | Change the key

Bringing a song down a step or up a step can make all the difference. Try out some songs that feel stale in a different key and see what happens. Is there more energy? Is there less energy? In the process, you can change chord voicings and that will keep things fresh as well!

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