3 Truths About Dealing With Problems On Your Worship Team
It's inevitable. There ARE going to be problems on your worship team. Anything from a member who consistently shows up late to interpersonal conflict to moral compromise. Whether it's big or small - there are going to be moments on your team where things are uncomfortable. There are going to be moments of conflict where you aren't sure what to do. You can't avoid them. The only thing you can do is prepare for how you are going to respond to it.
Here are 3 truths about dealing with problems on your worship team:
1 | It's not fair to be angry about a problem you haven't addressed
Too often, leaders harbor resentment (and even hatred) for a problem that they see on their team. You know the feeling - somebody has done something you wish they wouldn't do over and over again and it really starts to get on your nerves.
The only reason it gets to this point is because you haven't addressed the problem. What do we do instead? It's easy to talk about it with someone else and express our frustration. Then, the next worship team gathering comes and the problem happens again. So, you go talk to someone else about the problem and express your frustration... And then the problem happens again. And so on and so forth... until... you finally address the problem head on.
Most of the time people don't realize that there is a problem until it is addressed. So, be brave and confidently address the problem.
2 | You are responsible for solving some part of the problem
In addition to not addressing the problem, it's also easy to only blame the other person. But the truth is, if you're the leader, some responsibility of solving the problem rests on your shoulders. A person isn't prepared musically? Get them what they need earlier. Or set the expectation of preparation and stick to the consequences of not being prepared. Two people are arguing on your team? Bring them together and have a conversation about it.
3 | The problem won't magically disappear if you ignore it
In the end, the problem isn't going to go away if you don't do anything about it. Passivity is not an option and your frustration will only grow if you don't address it.
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