3 Ways To Break The Routine Of Leading Worship
Do you ever feel like leading worship has become a routine? It's just something you do. You've got the process down. You pick the songs for the week. You show up for rehearsal with the rest of the band. Then, you show up early on Sunday morning to run through the songs again. Then, you lead worship and go home. Finally, Monday comes and guess what? It's time to do it all over again. You're prepared and you do a decent job but it feels like you're just doing the same thing over and over again.
Here are 3 ways to break the routine of leading worship:
1 | Lead from a different instrument
A tangible way to break the routine is to lead from a different instrument. It's easy to never leave your comfort zone. You've been playing the same 4 chords for the past 10 years why would you switch things up now? Maybe it's time to change things up.
You can learn a completely new instrument - like switching from guitar to keyboard. Or you could keep things simple and make a smaller jump from acoustic guitar to electric guitar. Either way, you'll be pushed out of your comfort zone and forced to learn new things.
2 | Focus on a new worship leading skill
Perhaps the routine you're feeling means you haven't improved in a while. Often times, worship leaders get to a level where they can play their instrument proficiently and speak confidently - then they stop trying to improve. They're happy with where they're at. Why not try getting better at a specific worship leading skill? Speaking transitions, a new instrumental technique, song arrangement, pastoring your team - there are a ton of different ways to improve!
3 | Take a week off
Sometimes the only way to break the routine is to take a week off. It can be hard to find someone to fill your place especially if you serve in a small church - but there are always ways to make it happen! Bring in a guest worship leader. Have your pastor preach on different ways to worship God apart from singing. Get creative!
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.