4 Small Things Worship Leaders Get Distracted By

4 Small Things Worship Leaders Get Distracted By

There is so much that goes into worship leading. It can be hard to know what to focus on. Unfortunately, what often ends up happening, is worship leaders become distracted by small things. These are the things that take up a ton of time but don't really move your mission forward. The first step to breaking the cycle is to recognize what you get distracted by.

Here are 4 small things worship leaders get distracted by:

1 | More Information

There are tons of websites, YouTube videos, conferences, and podcasts available. We truly live in the information age. You can learn anything that you want about any topic that you want. The negative side to that fact is that it's become easier to learn how to do things than to actually do them! Have you become distracted by acquiring more information but never applying what you learn? 

2 | More Gear

Just like it's easier to LEARN things than DO things - it's also easier to BUY things than LEARN things. Buying more gear - guitar pedals, instruments, software (are you really going to use that plug-in?), mixers - it seems like if you could just get that next piece of gear it would fix your problems. But, often times, it's better to simply learn how to use what you already have.

3 | More Songs

It seems like a new worship album comes out every week these days. There are millions of songs to choose from with thousands more being added each month. It can be overwhelming and the way worship leaders get distracted is by thinking they need to introduce every new song as soon as it comes out. Focus on the songs you already have in your repertoire - can your church sing them well enough for you to add a new song?

4 | What other churches are doing

Social media has made us even more aware of what other churches are doing - not just locally but all around the world. While it can be good to learn from other churches, church envy is real. You see another church doing something and you think you need to implement it in your church. Repeat that process by the hundreds of churches you see every month and distraction becomes the norm.

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