3 Ways To Know If You've Been Called To Full-Time Worship Ministry
It's the big question... Have you been CALLED to full-time worship ministry?
Every year more and more worship leaders WANT to step into full-time worship ministry. But WANTING something and being CALLED to do it are two different things.
So, how do you discern if you are truly CALLED into full-time worship ministry?
Here are 3 ways to know if you've been called to full-time worship ministry:
1 | You've been faithful in serving where you are currently at
I'll put it bluntly: If you are not faithfully serving where you are at right now, you are not called into full-time ministry.
If you don't want to lead worship in a small group setting or a small church, you aren't called to lead in a larger church.
And it's not just about serving, it's about FAITHFULLY serving. Someone who is not passionate about leading a small group of people will not suddenly become passionate when they are responsible for leading a larger group.
Your calling is partially revealed through your faithful small steps along the way.
Luke 16:10 - "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much."... See, I didn't make it up. Jesus said it.
2 | Other people affirm the calling in your life
Another way God reveals his calling is through other people. God uses other believers to encourage us and guide us - that's why we need to be part of a church that we are faithfully serving.
Ask yourself: Have other believers affirmed my ability to lead worship? And are they just being nice or is it really true?
3 | The door is open for you to pursue it
If God has called you to something, he will make a way to make it happen. Now, that doesn't mean that you passively wait for an opportunity to supernaturally fall into your lap - it takes some work. But, God affirms our calling by giving us opportunities along the way to use our gifts.
It's important to note: Often times, it's not one HUGE door along the way that God opens. But, rather, hundreds of smaller doors that open that lead us in the right direction.
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