30 Days To Leading Worship Well - Available Now!

30 Days To Leading Worship Well - Available Now!

Listen, I know how it is... you've been leading worship for a while now and it's starting to feel monotonous. You feel like you've just been doing the same thing over and over again. And to be honest, you can't remember the last time you felt a tangible improvement in your worship leading.

That's why 30 Days To Leading Worship Well exists. Sometimes, you just need a step-by-step guide (do this, then this, then that) to break out of your worship leading rut. You need a 30 day challenge to kick-start your worship leading again.

How's it work?

At it's core, 30 Days To Leading Worship Well is a practical devotional for worship leaders. Each day you'll read a SHORT DEVOTIONAL that's chock-full of practical worship leading tips. But, that's just the beginning...

After learning those worship leading tips, the real work begins. You'll work your way through REFLECTION QUESTIONS that help you apply what you've learned to your specific context - because each church is unique.

Finally, your daily learning will wrap up with a super practical ACTION STEP that you can apply either instantly during your devotional time or the next time you lead worship.

And you'll do that over and over again for the next 30 days and, in the process, make drastic improvements in your worship leading each step of the way!

Here's the thing though…

Right now 30 Days To Leading Worship Well is available for the lowest price it will ever be BUT it's only available until Friday, November 22 - then it's going away for a while. So, don't miss out on leveling up your worship leading!

Click the link below to check it out and get started!


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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading

FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.