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3 Ways To Make An Old Worship Song Feel New Again

Do you have any songs in your worship team repertoire that are starting to feel like they're getting old? Well, you could just get rid of them and stop doing them. But, you've spent a lot of time teaching your church these songs - they know them - they can sing along easily with them. So, what if, before you cut them from the list, you tried to make them feel new again?

What if you could take that song that you've been doing for 5 years in your church and make it feel new and fresh? (Here's looking at you "Oceans!")

Here are 3 ways to make an old worship song feel new again:

1 | Let someone else lead it

Sometimes all it takes to make a song feel new again is to let someone else on your team lead it. Has the same person been leading a song every time you do it? Give someone else a chance. You don't even have to change anything else. The simple fact that someone new is leading a sing brings a sense of freshness to it. There's a different timbre in the lead voice. Their phrasing will be slightly different. They'll do things different dynamically. All of these things add up to the same song feeling new.

2 | Arrange it differently

Worship teams often settle into a default arrangement of a song. There might be a little wiggle room near the end or before the bridge, but in general, it's the same. So, try changing up the arrangement of the song. Have different instruments come in at different times. Start or end the song at a different section than you normally would. And if all else fails and you have no idea what to do, get on YouTube and watch how someone else arranged the song. Learn from them!

3 | Explain the meaning behind it again

When's the last time you really dug into the meaning behind that song that's starting to feel old? People might just be singing it out of routine. They know the words - they know how it goes - so they'll sing along. But, you have the opportunity to reintroduce what the song means. Pretend like you're introducing the song for the first time. How would you describe it to your church? Why are you singing it? Remind them of that.

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