3 Ways To Utilize Your Midweek Gatherings To Grow Your Worship Ministry
Summer break is over and school is back in session. For many churches, that means that they've started their midweek gatherings back up again. Youth group, small groups, bible studies - whatever you're doing at your church in the middle of the week is a great opportunity you can utilize to grow your worship ministry. A smaller environment affords you the ability to take risks and try new things out that you might not feel comfortable jumping head first into on a Sunday morning.
Here are 3 ways to utilize your midweek gatherings to grow your worship ministry:
1 | Test new songs
Is there a song that you're not sure will work in your church? Maybe it's different than the style of songs you normally do. Maybe it's not the type of song you usually pick for your church. But, there's something about it that makes you think - "I'd really like to teach my church this song." The only thing is... you don't feel comfortable enough doing it on a Sunday morning.
Well, midweek gatherings are a great place to test out new songs. So, give it a shot and see how people respond. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. But, at least now you know! Who knows, maybe it'll work so well you decide you want to lead it on a Sunday morning.
2 | Incorporate new leaders
When you're raising up new worship leaders, it's helpful to have "safe environments" for them to lead in. These are smaller opportunities to lead outside of a Sunday morning so they have a chance to grow before they lead the entire church.
Your midweek gatherings can be one of those "safe environments." It's typically a smaller environment that isn't quite as intimidating for new leaders. So, consider asking a new leader to lead at your midweek gathering before they lead on a Sunday morning.
3 | Try something unique
Just like with new songs, sometimes there are creative elements that you want to try out but aren't quite sure about. How about worshiping in a circle instead of the band being up in front of everyone? How about going acoustic? Your midweek gatherings are a great place to test these ideas out. See how they work in a smaller group and then consider how they might work in a larger Sunday morning context.
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