Training new worship leaders

5 Ways To Train Up Young Worship Leaders (Video)

Last Friday, we learned WHY you should be training up young worship leaders in your church. Maybe you're convinced and you know you should be training up young leaders in your church. But, you have no idea how to do it…

5 Reasons You Should Train Up Young Worship Leaders (Video)

Do you currently have a system for training up young worship leaders at your church? Training up young worship leaders is one of the most important things you can do as part of your responsibility of leading worship at your church…

3 Ways To Utilize Your Midweek Gatherings To Grow Your Worship Ministry

Summer break is over and school is back in session. For many churches, that means that they've started their midweek gatherings back up again. Youth group, small groups, bible studies - whatever you're doing at your church in the middle of the week is a great opportunity you can utilize to grow your worship ministry. A smaller environment affords you the ability to take risks and try new things out that you might not feel comfortable jumping head first into on a Sunday morning…

3 Kinds Of People You Need On Your Worship Team

What kind of people do you have on your worship team? Do you only have the best of the best?

Ideally, you would have a team full of people who are ready to lead worship, right? But the truth is, if you only ever stack your team with those kinds of people, your ministry won't last for long. They'll be able to serve for a while but, eventually, they won't be around any more and you'll have no one left to lead…

5 Ways You Can Train Up Young Worship Leaders

Yesterday we looked at "5 Reasons You SHOULD Train Up Young Worship Leaders." Now let's take a look at how to actually do it!

Here are 5 ways to train up young worship leaders…

5 Reasons To Train Up Young Worship

Are you currently training up young worship leaders? You should seriously consider finding a group of high school students or even middle school students who are interested in music and pour into them. Even if they aren't able to play an instrument yet - sit down with them and show them how…

Training New Worship Leaders - Breaking the Cycle of "I'm Not Ready Yet!"

Think about the first time you led worship. Did you feel ready? Did you feel like "Yeah! I got this!"? Probably not. Most people feel like they aren't ready to lead worship the first time they do it.

That's not the problem. The problem is that most new leaders get stuck in the perpetual cycle of never feeling ready enough to lead. They keep making the excuse that they "just aren't ready yet" over and over again and they never take that step of leading for the first time…