5 Ways You Can Train Up Young Worship Leaders
Yesterday we looked at "5 Reasons You SHOULD Train Up Young Worship Leaders." Now let's take a look at how to actually do it!
Here are 5 ways to train up young worship leaders:
1 | Give them music lessons
The first step is to make sure that they actually know how to play an instrument or sing proficiently. This is a great chance for you to step in and show them the ropes. Find some time for private lessons. This isn't something you have to commit to doing forever - just take a few weeks to set them on the right path.
After the first few lessons, you'll get an idea of if they're really interested in learning or not. This insight is really important because if they don't want to put in the work, they aren't going to be successful. Show them grace but, in the end, focus on the students who are really interested in learning. Don't force someone to learn something they're not really interested in.
2 | Have your worship team mentor them
If you don't know how to play an instrument, have another team member teach them. This is a great opportunity for a mentor/student relationship. That relationship can extend beyond just musical mentorship and they can offer spiritual guidance as well.
3 | Let them lead your church's youth group
Student's simply respond better to being lead in worship when their peers lead them. There's a certain connection that happens that is rarely replicated when an adult leads them. Use this to your advantage and, when they're ready, let students lead students.
4 | Give them safe spaces to lead
Failure is an important part of the growing process. That's why it's important to have safe spaces for the people you're training up to lead in. Start them off in a space where they won't feel a huge weight if they fail. Start by having them lead your worship team in worship at rehearsal. From there, move on to a small group. Then, the youth group. Then, a song on Sunday morning. And finally, set them loose!
5 | Give them real responsibility
It's hard to give real responsibility to young people. Give them a chance! Let them pick the song list. Let them plan a service. Give them something to do that they can own and prove themselves!
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