5 Reasons To Train Up Young Worship
Are you currently training up young worship leaders? You should seriously consider finding a group of high school students or even middle school students who are interested in music and pour into them. Even if they aren't able to play an instrument yet - sit down with them and show them how.
Here are 5 reasons you should train up young worship leaders:
1 | That's how you were taught
Think about your worship leading story. When and how did you first get involved in leading worship? For most people, they didn't just suddenly decide they wanted to lead worship and step into the position all by themselves. There was a certain amount of mentorship that took place. Even if you didn't have a musical mentor, you probably at least had a spiritual mentor guiding you as you learned how to lead worship. You can fill this role for young worship leaders!
2 | They are the future of the church
If you have a heart for the church and desire to see it become healthier in the future, training up young worship leaders is a natural response. The more experience you can give someone before they officially step into the role of worship leading by themselves the better!
3 | Church engagement leads to church retention
It's no secret that the more engaged someone is in the church the more likely they are to stay in the church. If you get a student involved in serving in the church, they will be more likely to continuing going to church throughout their college years. Worship ministry is a great place to get students to plug in!
4 | It's part of your job description
Our job is to equip people to do the work of ministry (Eph 4:12). Surprisingly that verse doesn't come with an age limit! God wants people of all ages to serve in the church and, as a church leader, it is your job to equip them to do so!
5 | There's nothing better than stepping back and watching a group you poured into lead worship by themselves
There's nothing like the personal satisfaction you experience from stepping back and watching a team of young people you taught lead worship by themselves for the first time.
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.