4 Ways To Teach Your Church About True Worship
Sometimes we spend so much time LEADING worship that we don't TEACH what worship is. It's always easier to sing songs with people than explain why we're doing what we're doing. The problem is it doesn't seem like there is much time to teach. After all, you've only got a few minutes at the most to speak between songs and you don't want to overload people with information. So how can you teach them?
Here are 4 ways to teach your church about true worship:
1 | Speaking Transitions
Start by using the time you DO have. Even if it's only 30 seconds between two songs, use that speaking transition to teach your church what worship is. The best part is that you don't JUST have the opportunity to teach it - it's also the perfect time to put it into practice. Always end your speaking transitions by leading your church in an example of what you just taught.
For example, start by deciding what aspect of worship needs to be taught. Is it different expressions of worship? Is it different forms of worship? Then, after you've taught them a bit about worship - give them the chance to respond. Tell them to raise their hands during the bridge you're about to sing. Give them something specific to pray for.
2 | Get your pastor on board
Some lessons about worship need to cover more than you can cover in a 30 second speaking transition. How can you find a larger chunk of time? Get your pastor on board. Ask your pastor to consider teaching on worship. Or, if you feel up to the task, ask if you can take a Sunday to preach about worship.
3 | Model it
Sometimes, you don't need to say anything at all. Teach your team to model worship. Let them know that they are worship leaders even if they aren't the ones singing or saying anything. What your worship team does on stage, shows people what's appropriate for worship in your church.
4 | Vocabulary
Adopt a vocabulary that teaches what true worship is. Worship is about more than singing - so don't only refer to when your church sings as worship. Worship takes place when your pastor preaches. Worship takes place when your church prays. Worship takes place when your church serves. Consider how your vocabulary reflects these truths.
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