Horrible singer on my team: mute her or kick her off? (Video)
She sounds like a dying cat! I've just been muting her mic..
I constantly hear about situations like that from people who send in their questions for Real Talk.
We've probably all been there before. We have a bad singer on our team. Someone who can't sing on pitch, doesn't blend well with other vocalists, and is a distraction to the other worshipers in our service.
What is the appropriate response? Kick them off the team or just mute their mic?
Well, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "Horrible singer on my team: mute her or kick her off?"
In the video, I'll share with you the exact process I'd go through if I had a bad singer on my team. You can use this process to handle the situation in a godly way that honors the bad vocalist and preserves the purpose of edifying your church during your corporate worship gatherings.
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