How to get Unstuck in Your Worship Leading - Part 2

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Let's be honest: you've gotten to that point where you feel like you keep playing the same thing over and over again. G, D, Em, C. Verse 1, Chorus, Verse 2, Chorus , Bridge, Chorus. So how can you break out of the seemingly monotonous way you're leading worship?

What if you didn't? What if you embraced the stuckness?

You've got to recognize that what might be monotonous and boring to you is actually working in your church. Remember you've listened to these songs over and over again, practiced them until your fingers bled, and you've lead them over and over again. However, the people your leading might just be getting a hang of how to sing the chorus for the first time. So what can we do? Linger. Allow God to work through the song.

And in the meantime, start to work on the fundamentals of worship leading. It's amazing what you can focus on when you know the songs you're leading so well that you could play them in your sleep.

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FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.


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