Leading Worship Well | Worship Leading Tips

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How to lead worship with just an acoustic guitar. (Video)

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Do you serve on a small worship team? Maybe it’s just you on Sunday mornings… Or maybe you lead in a small group environment with just an acoustic guitar.

I’ve lead worship with just an acoustic guitar off and on for the past 18 years. Sometimes it was in small churches where I was the only instrument. Other times it was around a campfire. Sometimes it was in small group Bible studies.

Over my 18 years, I’ve picked up quite a few tips and tricks for leading worship with just an acoustic guitar.

That's why, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "How to lead worship with just an acoustic guitar."⁠

In the video, I’ll share my best secrets for leading worship with just an acoustic guitar. Maybe by the end of the video you’ll realize you don’t need a huge band to lead worship after all…

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