My 2019 Worship Leading Goals
There are only a few more hours left in 2018. Have you set your 2019 goals for your worship ministry yet?
If you haven't, there's still time and I want to help you. I put together a list of 5 questions that will guide you through the process of crafting your 2019 worship leading goals.
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After you're done answering these 5 questions, you'll not only have your goals set but you'll have some actionable steps you can take to actually achieve them.
In the meantime, I wanted to give you some examples of what some goals might be. Remember goals should be specific, measurable, and attainable. A lot of leaders struggle in crafting goals because they're goal essentially boils down to: I want to do better. The problem is that you can't MEASURE that statement because it's not SPECIFIC and therefore, you'll never be able to tell if you've ACHIEVED it.
Here are my 3 Worship Leading goals for 2019:
1 | Read through half of the Bible
This is more of a personal goal but your personal spiritual life overflows into your public spiritual life. What you do in private comes out in public. So this year I want to fill myself up with more Scripture.
It might seem strange that I'm only aiming to read through half of the Bible but there's a specific reason for that. This past year I read through the whole Bible but it felt rushed. It felt more like a chore than something I enjoyed doing. This year I want to slow down and instead of cramming in 4 chapters, I'll read 1 or 2 and really meditate on them.
2 | Incorporate Scripture into my speaking transitions at least twice a month
My hope is that my time spent more deliberately in Scripture will overflow into my speaking during worship. Sometimes we want to craft the perfect thing to say but the perfect thing to say might be to simply declare God's word.
3 | Add 3 people to my worship team
My goal for my team this year is to add 3 more people. I've already spent some time writing down 7 people who I want to ask to consider joining the team. That means I only need half of them to say yes! And if more want to join - even better!
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