familiar songs

3 Tips For Leading People You Don't Know In Worship

This weekend I have the opportunity to lead worship at an International Justice Mission Local Prayer Gathering. And it dawned on me that there are going to be a lot of people there that I don't really know. So, I found myself asking the question: how should I lead them differently? Maybe you've been in a similar situation…

3 Tips For Finding New Worship Team Members

It seems like most of our problems as worship leaders would be solved by one solution: getting more people on our worship team. In the end, you know that having a larger team won't solve all of your problems but it does seem like it would help. So how can you grow your worship team?…

4 Tips For Leading Worship In Very Small Groups

Whether you serve in a large or small church, you will likely have the opportunity to lead worship in smaller contexts outside of a normal Sunday morning gathering. Leading in a smaller setting allows you to lead differently than you would in a larger setting. Something you might do on a typical Sunday morning when leading your whole congregation may not work as well if you're leading worship during a small group bible study…

4 Ways To Engage People Who Only Come To Church Once A Year

There's no other way to put it: there ARE going to be people who come to your church this week who only come once a year. The question is: how are you going to respond to them? Are you going to ignore them and only focus on the people who regularly come? Or is there a better way where you can serve everyone who shows up? There are a few things you can do to engage the people who come to your church this weekend!…