Why Gear Posts Get More Likes Than Skill Posts
Have you ever noticed that posts about gear get way more likes and views than posts about how to develop a certain skill? Youtube videos on in-ear monitors get 10x the amount of views than videos on how to plan a set-list. Pictures of pedal boards get more engagement than posts about how to practice efficiently. Why do you think that is?
Here are 3 reasons gear posts get more likes than skill posts:
1 | It's easier to buy things than learn things
What's your first instinct when you have a musical problem? When you aren't getting the guitar tone you want? Or your vocal mix sounds muddy? Your first instinct is to go buy something to fix the problem. A new guitar amp - a new guitar - a new pedal - a new soundboard. We do it because it's easy. If I just spend a few hundred dollars on new gear (um.... thousand for some of us?), that'll fix my problems. However, the real problem isn't the gear - it's you! Buying more gear won't make you a better musician! You need to learn how to use what you have. The problem is, learning things takes time and it's difficult.
2 | It's easier to identify the surface problem than the root problem
Gear solves a surface problem. It has the potential to cover up mistakes. Don't believe me? Go play a riff on a guitar with the drive turned the whole way up - it sounds huge and amazing. Then go play that riff on an acoustic... not quite as impressive huh? People are enthralled with gear because it's the easy fix - it fixes the surface problem. Learning skills fixes the root problem. If you want to truly improve, you've got to identify the root problem - not just what's obvious.
3 | It's easier to understand physical things than spiritual things
We are physical beings and we like and understand physical things. That's what we focus on as humans. That's why the tangible is so sought after while the intangible is less so. It's because it's easier to understand. It's easier to turn a knob than to learn a technique. It's easier to buy a microphone than work on your vocal tone.
5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.