5 Worship Leading Mindset Shifts To Improve Your Worship Leading (Video)
Oftentimes the biggest improvements in our worship leading don't come from learning a specific skill - they come from simply seeing worship leading in a new way.
As you continue to lead worship, you'll gain new insight into what it means to be a worship leader.
Those "Aha!" moments are some of the most powerful ways to level up your worship leading…
5 Reasons Your Church Doesn't Engage In Worship (Video)
What's the one thing you want from your church when you lead them in worship? Engagement! You want them to participate in your worship gathering.
Maybe you put in a ton of work throughout the week preparing for worship only to head into the first song on Sunday and see a bunch of blank faces staring back at you…
Blended Worship Service | 5 Tips For Better Blended Worship Services (Video)
Do you lead a blended worship service at your church? If you do, you know the struggle is real...
It feels like you're set up for failure from the start - there's no way to make everyone happy…
Worship Speaking Transitions | How To Speak With Authority And Confidence Between Worship Songs (Video)
All too often we insert milquetoast, formulaic, noncommittal homilies between our worship songs...
You know how it goes... "Welcome to church. Please stand and sing with us." (repeated every single Sunday in your best Siri/Alexa voice)
But by learning just a few simple things, you can break out of the routine and speak with authority and confidence while leading worship…
How To Choose Worship Songs | 3 Resources For Finding New Worship Songs (Video)
Ever struggle to find new worship songs? Or maybe you're looking for a song about a specific theme to line up with what your pastor is preaching on.
I've got you covered!…
Watch This Before Easter! | 5 Reminders About Easter For Worship Leaders (Video)
Easter's almost here!
There's so much to do to get ready... things are crazy... your schedule is filled to overflowing.
But, in the middle of it all, there are 5 things that you CAN'T FORGET to do before Easter Sunday comes…
Small Group Worship Ideas | 5 Tips For Leading Small Group Worship (Video)
How often do you lead small group worship?
Maybe you're a part of a small group bible study and lead a few songs...
Maybe you lead worship on Wednesday nights at your church in a smaller environment...
Maybe you feel like you lead small group worship every Sunday (where are my small church worship leaders at? I see you!)
How To Build A Worship Team | The Final Step In The Process! (Video)
There's one final step to building a worship team that you CAN'T miss!
It's assimilating new members into the culture of your team.
That's how you get them to stick around for a long time…
How To Run Worship Team Auditions (with FREE form, questions, and process) (Video)
You need a system for people to go through when they show interest in joining your worship team.
Part of that system includes a worship team AUDITION.
It's not as scary as it sounds...
The Best Way To Recruit Worship Team Volunteers | 5 Ways To Find New Worship Team Members (Video)
Is it a struggle to recruit new worship team volunteers? You're not alone.
It'd be great to have a drummer, a keyboard player, and maybe another guitarist. (... and 2 more singers... and...)
But where do you find new worship team volunteers?…
How To Build A Worship Team | Where To Start! (Video)
Trying to find more volunteers to serve on your worship team?
It's easy to feel like your pool of volunteers is never big enough and you don't know how to grow your team…
Worship Team Conflict | 5 Steps To Resolve Worship Team Conflict (Video)
Let's say - hypothetically of course - you have a problem in your worship ministry...
A team member keeps showing up late to rehearsal.
There was an argument between a couple of members and now things are awkward.
Maybe you don't agree with your pastor on something.
While that would never happen on YOUR worship team (right?), how would you address that conflict?…
3 Simple Tips To Instantly Improve Your Worship Song Arrangements (Video)
The difference between a professional sounding worship team and an amateur sounding worship team boils down to one simple foundation - song arrangements…
Worship Pads | A Super Simple Pad Set Up For Worship Leaders (Video)
Do you use pads while leading worship?
Pads are a simple way to add musical depth to any worship team.
And... if you lead with sparse instrumentation - they're even MORE important…
5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming A Worship Leader (Video)
If you could go back in time, what would you tell yourself before you became a worship leader?
Are there any worship leading pitfalls you feel like you could have avoided?…
Worship Leading Tips | The Key To Implementing Them Properly! (Video)
How many worship leading YouTube channels are you subscribed to? How many blogs do you read? How many podcasts do you listen to? How many Facebook groups for worship leaders are you a part of?
There is SO MUCH information available to help you lead worship well.
... while all of that information is helpful, it can also be overwhelming…
The Beginner's Guide To Worship Guitar - Learn How To Play Worship Guitar In 30 Minutes! (Video)
Have you been wanting to learn how to play guitar so you can lead worship?
Maybe you've been putting it off for a while but in 2021 you've made the commitment to finally learn how.
I've got you covered!
Crush Your 2021 Worship Leading Goals! | 5 Things You Need To Do (Video)
Welcome to 2021! Who's ready for a new year?!
As we step into 2021, it's important to start things off on the right foot. We have to have direction for where we're headed in our worship ministry…
Christmas Worship | 3 Quick Tips For A Better Christmas Service (Video)
Less than a week until Christmas! I know you're busy...
Christmas Worship | 3 Things People Expect At Your Christmas Service (Video)
Just a couple more weeks until Christmas!
By now, hopefully you have a solid plan of what you're doing for your Christmas services. But, there's something you need consider...