Worship Team Conflict | 5 Steps To Resolve Worship Team Conflict (Video)
Let's say - hypothetically of course - you have a problem in your worship ministry...
A team member keeps showing up late to rehearsal.
There was an argument between a couple of members and now things are awkward.
Maybe you don't agree with your pastor on something.
While that would never happen on YOUR worship team (right?), how would you address that conflict?
Is it best to just ignore it and hope it works itself out? Or do you face it head on?
Well, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "Worship Team Conflict | 5 Steps To Resolve Worship Team Conflict" @leadingworshipwell
In the video, you'll learn the 5 steps you need to take to successfully (and biblically) resolve conflict on your worship team!
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