3 Common Misconceptions About Worship Leaders
Here are 3 common misconceptions about worship leaders:
1 | You just showed up and played on Sunday morning
People don't understand the amount of work you put in to accomplish what you accomplished on Sunday morning. People assume that you literally just showed up, walked upfront, and starting playing music. In reality, you've put in 2 hours practicing the songs on your own, another 2 hours at rehearsal, another hour and a half running through logistics, 30 minutes scheduling people, an hour setting up tech, and countless hours taking care of other responsibilities you have - it adds up!
That means that you are way more prepared for Sunday morning than the average church goer. You've got an idea of where things are headed for the morning. It's your job to connect the dots for the people who aren't given that information beforehand!
2 | You are unapproachable
As much as you try to minimize it, the simple fact of you being up in front of people elevates your platform. Often times, leaders are seen as unapproachable. People get nervous because "you're in charge of something." The best way to break that misconception is to be the one who approaches people!
Get out of your worship team clique and start talking to people! Get to know the people you're leading on a deeper level. When you do that, you'll learn their stories and how you can specifically lead them during worship. Your language will become more specific as you consider the lives of the people you're leading.
3 | Your job is playing music
If you work in a church, you've surely been asked the question, "What do you do all day?" Or "It must be nice to work one day a week!" Or the more innocent, "Oh, you get to play guitar for a living? That's awesome!" In reality, music only makes up about 20% of what a worship pastor does. (Aspiring full-time worship leaders beware! This job is not sitting in a room and playing your instrument all day.) Worship leading is far more about leading people than leading music!
What misconception would you add to the list? Let us know in the comments below!
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