3 Differences Between A Worship Leader And Your Congregation On Sunday Mornings
All too often, worship leaders enter into their time of congregational worship from their own perspective. The thing is: your time before your Sunday service is quite different from the time your church spends. There are certain things that you do that prepare you for that moment of worship that the people of your church haven't done yet. Keep that in mind as you lead your church and allow it to shape the way you lead them.
Here are 3 differences between a worship leader and your congregation on Sunday morning:
1 | You've spent all week preparing
Think about your standard week leading up to Sunday morning. You've spent time praying before you plan. Then, you pick out the set list and you send it to your team. After that, you start running through the songs to learn them musically. Next, you worship through your set list. From there, it's time for worship rehearsal and you spend an hour or two with your team preparing to lead your church on Sunday. By the time Sunday comes around, you've spent all week preparing for it! You're ready to go and you're excited about what you have planned!
Most likely, that's not where the majority of your church is at when they arrive for worship on Sunday.
2 | You've spent all morning preparing
Besides spending the whole week in preparation for Sunday, consider just your Sunday morning by itself. What's yours look like? You wake up early and pray for your church's time together. Maybe you think through transitions one more time. You make sure you know your lyrics. You spend a bit more time putting the final touches on the slides for the morning. Then, your worship team shows up and you do another run through of the songs. After that, you pray with the other people serving that Sunday. Then, you've got 45 minutes until the service actually starts and you hang out with the other people of your church for a while. When the countdown hits zero, you're ready to go!
3 | You know where you're headed
You've been planning all week so you know where things are headed during your service. Your church doesn't - they haven't been a part of the planning process. So fill them in! Let them know the plan so they can follow!
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