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3 Keys To Explaining The Meaning Behind Worship To Your Church

You've only got a few minutes between songs on Sundays to speak directly to your church. How are you supposed to use that short amount of time to effectively communicate the meaning of worship? Not to mention the average church-goer only attends church 1 week every month.

Here are 3 keys to communicating the meaning of worship to your church:

1 | It happens slowly over time

Communicating why and how we worship is something you have to talk about constantly over a long period of time. Over and over and over again. It's not enough to just say it once. There are two reasons this is true.

First, not everyone comes to church every week. That means, if you only communicate the meaning of worship once a month, the majority of your church won't have ever heard you say it.

Second, people don't always hear or understand something the first time you tell them. It takes repetition for them to latch onto what you're communicating.

2 | You can't be the only one who says it - get your pastor involved

Communicating slowly over time is a big task when you only have a few minutes to speak on Sundays. That's why it's so important to get other people involved in communicating. You can't do it all by yourself!

It starts with getting your pastor involved. It's your pastor's job to communicate vision to the church and help them grow spiritually. Part of that conversation should be about worship.

In addition, have conversations with small group leaders and team leaders encouraging them to bring it into their areas of leadership.

3 | Explain it to whoever you can

Sunday mornings aren't the only time to communicate the meaning behind worship to people in your church. Think about the areas you lead: how can you incorporate teaching about worship in those areas of leadership? A great place to start is just with your worship team. They're the ones leading after all, they should have a firm grasp on what they're doing and why they're doing it.